Would you like to sell your products in the international market by saving on an export manager costs ?
For your company can create and manage an international sales network:
- Studying for your company different markets
- Looking for new customers, agents and distributors
- Planning a sales internationalization plan
- Alongside your current commercial sector
Selling a product internationally means:
- Access to new markets and new consumers
- Have the specific know-how and have experience in international sales
Currently, the main competitors are those that have a greater presence in the international market, thus avoiding any risk linked and due to their own country. It ‘clear that to undertake a journey of this magnitude is not enough just to be present at the meetings and at international fairs.
What are the advantages of outsourcing exports for a PI and PMI ?
- Rationalization of operating costs
- Flexibility in the management of new projects
- No necessity to have a fixed place and support to meet business expenses (car, telephone, computer, etc.)
- Investment in staff contracts considerably reduced
- Network collaboration with the companies in its sector